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Experience of the Confucius Institute Online and the Possibility of its Benefits in Teaching Arabic Language Online for Non-Arabic Speakers(PDF)

Global Lifelong Learning[ISSN:1006-6977/CN:61-1281/TN]

2016 02
Research Field:
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Experience of the Confucius Institute Online and the Possibility of its Benefits in Teaching Arabic Language Online for Non-Arabic Speakers
Sallam Marwan Hasan Naji12
1.Institute of Educational Technolohy,College of Education,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310028,China 2.Ibb University,Yemen
Keywords: teaching language online online teaching Arabic language LMS Confucius Institute online.
Abstract:China's presence is notable nowadays on an international scale. China has built this international presence in many ways known by the “soft power” of China. Chinese Confucius institutes – teaching Chinese language and culture centers- contribute largely to the efforts that aim to construct the educational “soft power” of China.The purpose of this research is to review the experience of the Confucius Institute Online. It was established in 2008 aimed at distributing the Chinese language and culture on the internet and deepening cooperation in fields of education and culture between China and various countries of the world. Within few years, it attracted more than 503,000 users from all over the world, and is present in more than 275,000 live classes. Also, it aims to benefit and add to this experience and highlights the potential assumption that this system could also benefit teaching and spreading the Arabic language for foreign speakers. The importance of this research is to study an ongoing experience that proved its success in attracting many students and teachers from all over the world. As well as providing a potential assumption that it could be beneficial for teaching and spreading the Arabic language for foreign learners in a period where Open Online Education has become one of the main features for education nowadays.The current research applies the descriptive-analytic method to obtain data and information and show the website along with describing its components, sections and activities and teaching method used. The research includes an introduction and three themes; the first theme deals with the current situation of online teaching the Arabic language for foreign learners. The second theme reviews the experience of the Confucius Institute Online teaching of the Chinese language. The third theme is a suggested framework for teaching the Arabic language online for foreign language learners. At the end of the research, the researcher recommends that stakeholders and foundations in the field of teaching Arabic should adopt technology and use it for spreading Arabic, by enriching the content of teaching Arabic to foreigners online and studying other nation's experiences in spreading their language and benefiting from them.




Last Update: 1900-01-01