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Enhancing Interactive Learning among Teachers for Competence Development in the Context of China: A Practitioner’s Account over 30 Years(PDF)

Global Lifelong Learning[ISSN:1006-6977/CN:61-1281/TN]

2021 01
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Enhancing Interactive Learning among Teachers for Competence Development in the Context of China: A Practitioner’s Account over 30 Years
Tiedao Zhang
Beijing Open University Giffith University
teacher education interactive learning competence development adult learning strategies for facilitation china’s practices
Providing competence-oriented interactive learning for teachers has been a challenge with regard to addressing their needs as adult learners and creating a sustained learning process. In the case of China, academic lectures and demonstrations by experienced teachers or supply of information still dominate teacher education programs, with teachers having few chances to share their personal experiences or problems with one another, and few opportunities to receive guidance. In view of these deficiencies in teacher education programs, the practitioner and his partners have shifted their focus to make interactive learning an integral part of teacher education programs. Such interactive learning is a joint endeavor by teachers from various backgrounds with the desire to constantly improve their professional competencies and the aspiration for a satisfying career. This case study describes the background, field interventions, and the key factors and competencies for such facilitation accumulated from practice over the last 30 years. It is evidenced that teachers’ interactive learning provides an experiential and mutually resourceful learning experience for their competence development, and that effective competence development could be strengthened with active peer interactions and engagement in blended modes of learning. Besides, building collaborative learning partnerships, ensuring continuum of such learning, professional competences of the facilitators, and institutional support are identified as critical for teachers’ interactive learning.




Last Update: 2021-02-08