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Spatial Equity of Education for the Older Adults Living in Shanghai: A Spatial Analysis(PDF)

Global Lifelong Learning[ISSN:1006-6977/CN:61-1281/TN]

2021 02
Research Field:
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Spatial Equity of Education for the Older Adults Living in Shanghai: A Spatial Analysis
Yating Liu and Jian Huang
1. Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China 2. East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
population ageing education for the elderly resources distribution spatial equilibrium GIS spiritual analysis
As a key measure to cope with population aging, the distribution of education resource for the elderly affects the learning rights of the elders in different regions. In order to improve the education equity, this study introduces the perspective of spatial analysis philosophy, applies the ArcGIS analysis technology to measure and modify the spatial distribution characteristics of education resources for the elderly. Based on this, this study applies the shortest distance function characterization of different types of elderly education facilities’ spatial accessibility, weighed the elderly population distribution, and constructed the elderly education resource balance index space. Index analysis results show that the current Shanghai space average balance level reached 0.716, which is in a relatively good distribution condition. However, there is still a successive decrease in the space differences between the city centre and the suburb. The distribution density of educational institutions is far lower in the outskirts than in the city centre. To promote the realization of space equilibrium, superimposed analysis method was applied to measure the current supply missing region. When this is combined with the current resource distribution proposed location points, the study will be able to provide reference for the resource reasonable layout.




Last Update: 2021-12-01