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The Evolution of ICT-driven Non-formal Education in China from 1981-2020: A Systematic Review from the Actor-network Theory Perspective(PDF)

Global Lifelong Learning[ISSN:1006-6977/CN:61-1281/TN]

2022 01
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The Evolution of ICT-driven Non-formal Education in China from 1981-2020: A Systematic Review from the Actor-network Theory Perspective
Jue Yu1 Hoisoo Kim2 and Xiaoli Zheng3
1. Department of Education, College of Education, Chonnam National University, Gwangju 61186, South Korea
2. Department of Education, Chonnam National University 77, Yongbong-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju, 61186, South Korea
3. Graduate Institute of STEAM Education, Department of Educational Technology, College of Education Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325035, China
actor-network theory non-formal education internet technology translation
Although non-formal education (NFE) has aroused much attention for several decades in China, it still lacks a holistic perspective in descrbing demonstrating its development. The key factor which promotes this evolution also remains uncertain. In this paper, the evolution of Chinese NFE is discussed and analysed from the perspective of the actor-network theory. The actor-network theory advocates the general symmetry principle of human and non-human actors and its translation process is feasible in analysing the transformation of a complex network. This paper analysed 181 published articles on Chinese NFE retrieved from the journal databases of SCOPUS, WOS (Web of Science) and CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) to trace how Chinese NFE has transformed resource sharing and learning habits, as well as educational equity. The result of the study largely reveals the position of internet technology, and ICT in the upgrade of Chinese NFE, and can promot the understanding and development of NFE in other countries.




Last Update: 2022-12-28