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Mechanism Analysis on New Ecology of Elderly Education in the Perspective of Digital Transformation(PDF)

Global Lifelong Learning[ISSN:1006-6977/CN:61-1281/TN]

2023 2023 01
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Mechanism Analysis on New Ecology of Elderly Education in the Perspective of Digital Transformation
Yifang Song
Aviation Transportation College of Shanghai Open University Community College of Changing District, Shanghai 200336, China
digital transformation new ecology of elderly education mechanism ecological thinking
At present, digital transformation has made a profound impact, extending from the economic sector to various fields, including government affairs, education, and services. In this evolving landscape, elderly education will inevitably undergo transformation. New ecology of elderly education in the context of digital transformation” from an ecological perspective represents a new form of elderly education promoted and empowered by digital technology. It envisions a harmonious coexistence and mutual promotion between the elderly and digital technology. Research shows that it is an ecology marked by digital identity, underpinned by digital empowerment, and characterized by a culture of digital technology learning. This new paradigm exhibits different features including digital humanism, digital leadership, and digital development. A mechanisms analysis suggests that the formation of this new ecology is influenced by the interplay between the elderly’s demand for digital learning and the effectiveness of digitizing elderly education. Factors impacting the equilibrium of this ecology are tied to the learners’ and administrators’ demand, cognition, and capabilities of both learners and administrators, in relation to and the adaptability of digitizing elderly education. Meanwhile, the growth of this ecology is profoundly affected by the digital development of elderly education and the development of leadership in the context of digital transformation. In this context, a holistic ecological mindset is imperative, including dialectical thinking, systematic thinking, and holistic thinking. This approach, rooted in ecological thought patterns, provides a deeper understanding of the key aspects of the new ecology, including people, digital technology, and teaching methodologies. A suite of strategies, such as balance regulation, structural adjustments, and progress management can be employed to improve the mechanisms underlying the new paradigm in elderly education.




Last Update: 2024-02-03